Carbon emissions
offset by East
Stirlingshire FC
total to date...

1256 miles
= 2 Tonnes CO2e

trees planted
This club's vision is to be carbon neutral by 2035.
Although we are taking our first steps as a club and the initial changes may seem small, they are inline with our club stature and will be the bedrock of the foundation that this club launches itself into a new era with.
To make a difference tomorrow we first have to act on today.
A statement that couldn’t be more true as we look at climate change and the current state we find our planet in. If we are to give tomorrow's generation of shire fans a fighting chance it needs today's generation to stand up and carry the fight. With football being such a powerful entity and world leading we want to not just support but be leading the way when it comes to Scottish Football and climate change.
We talk about small changes at the beginning but with the support of Ecologi and Workhorse Group we can make a big impact.
Talk's cheap, action wins the day.
As the club grows season on season so will our environmental commitment in our hunger to improve and to make the difference day on day, year on year, decade to decade. We WILL be that leading light, we WILL be the difference! “Talk's cheap, action wins the day.” You have read the talk now join us as we turn this vision into action.
Our ECO Vision proposals for the 2023/24 season
OFFSETTING of carbon emissions from travel by playing staff and board member by Investing in carbon offset projects and renewable energy projects.
PLANTING TREES both in the UK and overseas throughout the 23/24 season.
PLANTING TREES for programs sold throughout the 23/24 season.
USING RECYCLABLE MATERIAL for all NEW point of sale produced.
WE PROMISE to work alongside our supporters, the local community and other environmental organisations to improve and make necessary changes to achieve our 2035 ECO VISION goal.

100% Carbon Neutral by 2035
“Environmental stability is also a key focus for the Club going forward, with our plan to be 100% carbon neutral by 2035. We will be planting trees in Scotland and globally, as well as supporting significant carbon emission saving projects in Scotland and overseas."
Simon Dickerson, Chairman, East Stirlingshire FC