East Stirlingshire in the Community

East Stirlingshire FC are proud to be utilising ReWORK as the Club’s Community Foundation which means we are able to reach out and help our fellow Scottish football club’s Foundations.
With so many Scottish clubs doing fantastic work within their local communities through their Football Foundations, we looked at how we could enhance the work already being done instead of duplicating the norm. ReWORK is that project and we are proud to have it as our Foundation.
The ReWORK initiative from TRANSDEC sees used office furniture that has been donated to them by their commercial customers re-supplied to charities, educational institutions and start-up businesses - saving significant amounts of unwanted office furniture being sent to landfill.
The initiative runs throughout the UK but we are proud to say that The SHIRE will continue to drive it forward in Scotland, please contact us if you can help us too!

Workhorse Generation

East Stirlingshire FC are proud to work with Workhorse Generation, the charity hub for tomorrow's Generation. As we look to create a East Stirlingshire FC Foundation in the future. Driven by Fraser Cromer, our Community Director, Workhorse Generation will be supporting local charities working closely with our community and schools to best help the next generation. Visit this page for news on our latest projects.
To help young people face what life throws at them as they prepare for working life.
Building a 'Charity Hub' containing supported charities that together have the ONE SHARED VISION of providing vital support and advice to help and assist young adults.
A respected, empowered and passionate new working generation.

Your Community Club
“We're going to be increasingly involved with the East Stirlingshire community as we work with Workhorse Generation in schools and with local charities. If you feel that there is a project we can work together on in the future please contact us. "
Fraser Cromar, Community Director, East Stirlingshire FC